New Spree Updates
Taobao Spree #004 [OPEN] *NEW*
PINKYA Spree #002 [OPEN] *NEW*
D.P-shop Spree #002 [OPEN] *NEW*
╭☆糖衣子☆╯Tang Yi Zi Spree #001 [OPEN] *NEW*
《香榭時尚精品》Shoes Spree #002 [OPEN] *NEW*
梅梅露--DREAMS~* Spree #002 [OPEN] *NEW*


Friday, June 27, 2008

Spree updating

Hi to all babes,

A lot of babes did not use my form to fill in causing me to have to update for all and send it back to confirm the price... I really received quite a no. of links only email. Hence, please be patient with me when I am doing the updates...

Those ordering from Orange Bear please allowed me sometime to do the update and the calculation... I have closed the spree already due to the overwelming respond. Hence payment please be in by Saturday 11am.

Payment Status
Annie, Joan and Karen have paid me fully.
Fern paid me partially due to the add on in orders... (Paid Fully with excess S$0.50)
Sharon add on order has just completed processed. Please check through because I might make some error...
