New Spree Updates
Taobao Spree #004 [OPEN] *NEW*
PINKYA Spree #002 [OPEN] *NEW*
D.P-shop Spree #002 [OPEN] *NEW*
╭☆糖衣子☆╯Tang Yi Zi Spree #001 [OPEN] *NEW*
《香榭時尚精品》Shoes Spree #002 [OPEN] *NEW*
梅梅露--DREAMS~* Spree #002 [OPEN] *NEW*


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

○●Cutie Fashion ●○ & Cynthia星希亞輕熟館 [On the way to Singapore]



Closing Date: 27 September 2008 or when reached 25 - 30 items
Current Orders: 43/25 - 30
Payment Mode to Supplier: Concealed Cash.

Order Name List:
Inez (3 items): S$42 (Offset from PG Mall - I will pay for her first until my PG Mall calcualtion is done this Saturday)
Jordan (10 items): S$158.40 (Paid)
Cheryl (4 items): S$57
Yin (3 items): S$32.50 (Paid S$124.55 Together with Baimomo #002, Taobao 001 & PUFFY #001)
Diana Chong (8 items): S$134.50 (Paid)
Cheryl (4 items): S$57 (Paid)
Catherine (10 items): S$132.60 (Paid)
Shi Hui (4 items): S$69.00 (Paid)

To join spree, please click Picture..
Order Format can be found on the Left panel. Please use the format and email, otherwise your orders will not be processed. Strictly no ordering though tagboard.

7% GST may be incurred if we hit SGD400. I will avoid this. (Will get seller to declare lower)

Shipping fee & method:
Items will be air-mailed to Singapore.
Need seller to quote for shipping charges.
Shipping charges will be divided by the units of items There might be refund/topup required after the loots arrived and the actual calculations.

Payment Calculations:
Please use this order form:

Handling Fees:
In order to encourage bulk purchase, handling fees will be caps at S$10. This means that if your purchase more than 10 items, your handling fee will just be charged at a lump sum of S$10.

By placing your orders with lovelystarshop, you are deemed to have read, understood and agreed with all our Terms & Conditions.

01 October 2008
Orders Sent.

05 October 2008
Seller replied.





8 October 2008
Concealled Cash was sent. Since sending of concealled cash is illegal. I shall ot disclose the tracking no. for my letter.

16 October 2008
Concealled Cash was received. I have yet to received cutie fashion's confirmation.

17 October 2008
Cutie email me that money was received. Cutie will reserve all items orders and the preorder starts from today. It will take 7 - 30 working days for preorder items to be stocked. Seller will sent out the items immediately after all items have arrived.


17 October 2008
I email the seller to check for OOS items status as well as preorder status. Seller only reply me OOS status. 6 items was out of stock. I have request them to refund for those items which is OOS.
0T8252 七分披掛寬領針外 (灰) 350

0T3028 上接橫條短褲 (白) 290

AK4335 美麗內在接鑽繞頸肩帶背心 (藍綠) 190

AT1106 DERIHTNS漸層T (粉) 180

AK4276 單大星T恤 (黑) 190

AP1799 韓版寬鬆感休閒二側口袋T (灰) 145

21 October 2008
Seller replied. Another items OOS. In addition, 4 items having preorder.


AL0112 絕代風華?天使之翼金手環 190
AK4335 美麗星情?美麗內在接鑽繞頸肩帶背心(桃)特190
0W9770 0902入秋時裝饗宴?唯美風蓋雪紡寬領T(黑)350
0T8031 0925甜蜜假日生活?可愛俏皮~交叉綁帶吊帶褲(灰)290

21 October 2008
Seller email that now only 3 items on the preorder list.
0W9770 0902入秋時裝饗宴?唯美風蓋雪紡寬領T(黑)350
AK4335 美麗星情?美麗內在接鑽繞頸肩帶背心(桃)特190
AL0112 絕代風華?天使之翼金手環 190預購?

3 November 2008
Seller email that now only 2 items on the preorder list. One items was added to the preorder list due to supplier's error.
0T4371 0821早秋韓風新作?街頭風~連帽格子襯衫(黑紅) >>此款商品因廠商到貨發現有誤,目前已退回重新追加喔~
0W9770 0902入秋時裝饗宴?唯美風蓋雪紡寬領T(黑)350

18 November 2008
All items reached. However, additional one item is OOS.
您訂單080982 商品大多都到齊囉~
0W9770 0902入秋時裝饗宴?唯美風蓋雪紡寬領T(黑)350

20 November 2008
Seller already arranged for delivery. Seller also send the items deliveried to me. Total 8 items OOS.

8 OOS items
【AP1799】下殺5折專區˙韓版寬鬆感休閒二側口袋T(深灰)原290 特145

21 November 2008
Seller arrange that our items to sent out.

25 November 2008
Seller just sent out items.

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Monday, November 24, 2008

~Queen Shop~ Spree #001 [Cancelled]

Closing Date: 24 December 2008 or when reached 20 - 25 items
Current Orders: 0/20 - 25
Payment Mode to Supplier: By Paypal.

Order Name List:

To join spree, please click Picture..
Order Format can be found on the Left panel. Please use the format and email, otherwise your orders will not be processed. Strictly no ordering though tagboard.

7% GST may be incurred if we hit SGD400. I will avoid this. (Will get seller to declare lower)

5% discount for orders of NTD 2000 and above
10% discount for orders of NTD 4000 and above
20% discount for orders of NTD 10000 and above
No discount for A items.
(eg:【AA02】玩搭配 § 瘋時尚˙緞面粗綁帶內衣肩帶˙多色 – see the item number)

Shipping fee & method:
Need seller to quote for shipping charges.
Shipping charges will be divided by the weight of items.
There might be refund/topup required after the loots arrived and the actual calculations

Payment Calculations:
Please use this order form: *Edited - I changed my account no. to POSB Saving 030-84800-4*

You just need to cut and copy the format of the order form and then email me.

Handling Fees:
In order to encourage bulk purchase, handling fees will be caps at S$10. This means that if your purchase more than 10 items, your handling fee will just be charged at a lump sum of S$10.

By placing your orders with lovelystarshop, you are deemed to have read, understood and agreed with all our Terms & Conditions.

Labels: ,

*╮繽紛樂園╭* Spree #001 [Cancelled]

Closing Date: 24 December 2008 or when reached 20 - 25 items
Current Orders: 0/20 - 25
Payment Mode to Supplier: By Paypal.

Order Name List:

To join spree, please click Picture..
Order Format can be found on the Left panel. Please use the format and email, otherwise your orders will not be processed. Strictly no ordering though tagboard.

7% GST may be incurred if we hit SGD400. I will avoid this. (Will get seller to declare lower)

5% discount for orders of NTD 2000 and above
10% discount for orders of NTD 4000 and above
20% discount for orders of NTD 10000 and above
No discount for A items.
(eg:【AA02】玩搭配 § 瘋時尚˙緞面粗綁帶內衣肩帶˙多色 – see the item number)

Shipping fee & method:
Need seller to quote for shipping charges.
Shipping charges will be divided by the weight of items.
There might be refund/topup required after the loots arrived and the actual calculations

Payment Calculations:
Please use this order form: *Edited - I changed my account no. to POSB Saving 030-84800-4*

You just need to cut and copy the format of the order form and then email me.

Handling Fees:
In order to encourage bulk purchase, handling fees will be caps at S$10. This means that if your purchase more than 10 items, your handling fee will just be charged at a lump sum of S$10.

By placing your orders with lovelystarshop, you are deemed to have read, understood and agreed with all our Terms & Conditions.

Labels: ,

╭☆漾貝比中大尺碼 S h O p~*Spree #001

Closing Date: 24 December 2008 or when reached 20 items
Current Orders: 0/20
Payment Mode to Supplier: By Paypal.

Order Name List:

To join spree, please click Picture..
Order Format can be found on the Left panel. Please use the format and email, otherwise your orders will not be processed. Strictly no ordering though tagboard.

7% GST may be incurred if we hit SGD400. I will avoid this. (Will get seller to declare lower)

No discount.

Shipping fee & method:
Need seller to quote for shipping charges.
Shipping charges will be divided by the weight of items.
There might be refund/topup required after the loots arrived and the actual calculations.

Payment Calculations:
Please use this order form: *Edited - I changed my account no. to POSB Saving 030-84800-4*

You just need to cut and copy the format of the order form and then email me.

Handling Fees:
In order to encourage bulk purchase, handling fees will be caps at S$10. This means that if your purchase more than 10 items, your handling fee will just be charged at a lump sum of S$10.

By placing your orders with lovelystarshop, you are deemed to have read, understood and agreed with all our Terms & Conditions.

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PINK-YA Spree #002

Closing Date: 24 December 2008 or when reached 20 - 25 items
Current Orders: 0 /20 - 25 items
Payment Mode to Supplier: Concealed Cash.

Order Name List:

To join spree, please click Picture..
Order Format can be found on the Left panel. Please use the format and email, otherwise your orders will not be processed. Strictly no ordering though tagboard.

7% GST may be incurred if we hit SGD400. I will avoid this. (Will get seller to declare lower)

Shipping fee & method:
Items will be air-mailed to Singapore.
Need seller to quote for shipping charges.
Shipping charges will be divided by the weight of items There might be refund/topup required after the loots arrived and the actual calculations.

Payment Calculations:
Please use this order form: *Edited - I changed my account no. to POSB Saving 030-84800-4*

You just need to cut and copy the format of the order form and then email me.

Handling Fees:
In order to encourage bulk purchase, handling fees will be caps at S$10. This means that if your purchase more than 10 items, your handling fee will just be charged at a lump sum of S$10.

By placing your orders with lovelystarshop, you are deemed to have read, understood and agreed with all our Terms & Conditions.


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Important Note

I have just changed my account for spree transaction. For all new spree, kindly transfer to my new account. Should you transfer to my old account. Please drop me a email to let me know.

My new accound No.: 030-84800-4

I am now doing refunds for meimeilu and 123 spree accessories spree. Baimomo and cutie spree is on the way here.

梅梅露--DREAMS~*Spree #001 [Completed]

Closing Date: 5 September 2008 or when reached 20 item
Current Orders: 25/20
Payment Mode to Supplier: Paypal (5%)

Order Name List:
Jessica Chew (21 items) - S$218.10 (Paid)
Priscilla (1 item) - S$22.00 (Paid)
Joyce (1 item) - S$17.50 (Paid)
Jordan (2 items) - S$15.90 (Paid)
Shi Hui (2 items) - S$49.50 (Paid)

To join spree, please click Picture..
Order Format can be found on the Left panel. Please use the format and email, otherwise your orders will not be processed. Strictly no ordering though tagboard.

7% GST may be incurred if we hit SGD400. I will avoid this. (Will get seller to declare lower)

Will ask discount from seller later. Currently, no discount quoted by them.
I will use the discount to cover the shipping cost.

Shipping fee & method:
Items will be air-mailed to Singapore.
Need seller to quote for shipping charges.
Shipping charges will be divided by the weight of items There might be refund/topup required after the loots arrived and the actual calculations.

Payment Calculations:
Please use this order form:

You just need to cut and copy the format of the order form and then email me.

Handling Fees:
In order to encourage bulk purchase, handling fees will be caps at S$10. This means that if your purchase more than 10 items, your handling fee will just be charged at a lump sum of S$10.

By placing your orders with lovelystarshop, you are deemed to have read, understood and agreed with all our Terms & Conditions.

9 September 2008
Order email send.

16 September 2008
No reply so far.

17 September 2008
Seller replied. I am confirming with them regarding payment.

24 November 2008
Sorry for the long wait. Finally, I finished the calculation for this spree. I have proceed the refund. Hence all spree-er, please check your account for more info.

Shi Hui: I have not refund you, because I do not have your account no.
Jordan: Refund, since all your items OOS.
Joyce: I will send your items tomorrow.
Priscilla: Please arrange your items to be collected.

Spree have completed. Thanks for the support.

*╮LULUS╭* Spree #001 [Cancelled]

Closing Date: 24 December 2008 or when reached 20 items
Current Orders: 0/20
Payment Mode to Supplier: By Concealed cash.

Order Name List:

To join spree, please click Picture..
Order Format can be found on the Left panel. Please use the format and email, otherwise your orders will not be processed. Strictly no ordering though tagboard.

7% GST may be incurred if we hit SGD400. I will avoid this. (Will get seller to declare lower)

5% discount for orders of 2000 NTD and above
10% discount for orders of 3000 NTD and above
A items are not entitled to any discount.
(eg: 【A98013】小女人.蕾絲布挖背背心.黑/灰/深藍/白 預 特 - see the item number)

Shipping fee & method:
Need seller to quote for shipping charges.
Shipping charges will be divided by the weight of items.
There might be refund/topup required after the loots arrived and the actual calculations

Payment Calculations:
Please use this order form: *Edited - I changed my account no. to POSB Saving 030-84800-4*

You just need to cut and copy the format of the order form and then email me.

Handling Fees:
In order to encourage bulk purchase, handling fees will be caps at S$10. This means that if your purchase more than 10 items, your handling fee will just be charged at a lump sum of S$10.

By placing your orders with lovelystarshop, you are deemed to have read, understood and agreed with all our Terms & Conditions.

Labels: ,

*╮極 簡 輕 日 系╭* Mixi Spree #001 [Cancelled]

Closing Date: 24 December 2008 or when reached 20 items
Current Orders: 0/20
Payment Mode to Supplier: By Concealed cash.

Order Name List:

To join spree, please click Picture..
Order Format can be found on the Left panel. Please use the format and email, otherwise your orders will not be processed. Strictly no ordering though tagboard.

7% GST may be incurred if we hit SGD400. I will avoid this. (Will get seller to declare lower)

No discounts.
To be confirmed again.

Shipping fee & method:
Need seller to quote for shipping charges.
Shipping charges will be divided by the weight of items.
There might be refund/topup required after the loots arrived and the actual calculations

Payment Calculations:
Please use this order form: *Edited - I changed my account no. to POSB Saving 030-84800-4*

You just need to cut and copy the format of the order form and then email me.

Handling Fees:
In order to encourage bulk purchase, handling fees will be caps at S$10. This means that if your purchase more than 10 items, your handling fee will just be charged at a lump sum of S$10.

By placing your orders with lovelystarshop, you are deemed to have read, understood and agreed with all our Terms & Conditions.

Labels: , ,

*╮WiWi Shop╭* Spree #002 [Cancelled]

Closing Date: 24 December 2008 or when reached 20 items
Current Orders: 0/20
Payment Mode to Supplier: By Concealed cash.

Order Name List:

To join spree, please click Picture..
Order Format can be found on the Left panel. Please use the format and email, otherwise your orders will not be processed. Strictly no ordering though tagboard.

7% GST may be incurred if we hit SGD400. I will avoid this. (Will get seller to declare lower)

No discounts.
To be confirmed again.

Shipping fee & method:
Need seller to quote for shipping charges.
Shipping charges will be divided by the weight of items.
There might be refund/topup required after the loots arrived and the actual calculations

Payment Calculations:
Please use this order form: *Edited - I changed my account no. to POSB Saving 030-84800-4*

You just need to cut and copy the format of the order form and then email me.

Handling Fees:
In order to encourage bulk purchase, handling fees will be caps at S$10. This means that if your purchase more than 10 items, your handling fee will just be charged at a lump sum of S$10.

By placing your orders with lovelystarshop, you are deemed to have read, understood and agreed with all our Terms & Conditions.

Labels: ,

◆BeeShop◆ Spree #001 [Cancelled]

Closing Date: 24 November 2008 or when reached 30 item
Current Orders: 0/30
Payment Mode to Supplier: By Concealed Cash.

Order Name List:
Sherry (4 items): S$64.10 (Paid)
Denise (1 item): S$2.90 (Paid)

To join spree, please click Picture..
Order Format can be found on the Left panel. Please use the format and email, otherwise your orders will not be processed. Strictly no ordering though tagboard.

7% GST may be incurred if we hit SGD400. I will avoid this. (Will get seller to declare lower)

Seller will quote for the discount after receiving the orders.

Shipping fee & method:
Items will be send by DPEX to Singapore.
First 500g: NT460
Next 500g: NT120

Need seller to quote for shipping charges.
Shipping charges will be divided by the weight of items.
There might be refund/topup required after the loots arrived and the actual calculations.

Payment Calculations:
Please use this order form:

You just need to cut and copy the format of the order form and then email me.

Handling Fees:
In order to encourage bulk purchase, handling fees will be caps at S$10. This means that if your purchase more than 10 items, your handling fee will just be charged at a lump sum of S$10.

By placing your orders with lovelystarshop, you are deemed to have read, understood and agreed with all our Terms & Conditions.

Labels: , , , , ,

Order Process [Updated 13th July 2008]

1. Email me at for upon completion of your order forms. Please also inform us regarding the mode of collection.

2. Pay within 3 days after the sending your completed order forms

3. Then send us a payment notification email/MSN massage(Dun leave it in the tag board)- This is very impt OK~Your payment notification email should contain all these details:

(i) For Fund Transfer (IB Banking):To Acct POSB Savings 030-51471-8 030-84800-4 (our acct no)Amt $XX.xx Transaction Reference XXXXXXXXXX

(ii) For ATM Transfer:Amt transferred $XX.xx, Date, Time, Transaction Reference No

4. Please wait very patiently for our emails (Will be replied within 48hour)

5. Please add this website for updates checks. You may also email me or MSN me for the latest update of your spree.

6. Emails will be sent when the goods have arrived. We will fix the collection method/date/location at our convenience. Should there be any additional shipping charges, we will inform you the additional cost.

7. Please pay the additional shipping during meet-ups or before we arrange to have your items sent to you.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Ungoing busy peroid at work

I am sorry to all spree-er, I have been undergoing sudden increase of stressful work load increase. I might not be as efficient as before. However, I will be answering all questions on tagboard as soon as I see them. Due to last week, my monitor spoil causing distruption in my updating work.

New Spree will be opened next month and some spree will be extended. Please grab hold of your chance for the last spree session of the year. I will not be opening new spree until the end of the chinese new year. (Unless fast ones)

This is to prevent my house from becoming too messy for the arrival of Chinese New Year. I will take this time to do some ammendmence in my blogshop. I might be introducing new ordering system to prevent missed emails. Hence, stay tunned.

*maymaylu spree-er: I overwrite the ordering form hence, I will need to redo the calculation sheet. I will try to give it to you by this weekend which is by tomorrow.*

JoYcE ShOp Spree #001 [Completed]

Closing Date: 24 November 2008 or when reached 20 item
Current Orders: 28/20
Payment Mode to Supplier: Agent's Taiwan Credit Card. (S$20 extra to be divided by the number of items.)

Order Name List:
Sherry/Gynn (7 items): S$157.50 (Paid)
Sherry/Gynn add on (2 items): S$45 (Paid)
Emily (19 items): S$293.40 (Paid)

To join spree, please click Picture..
Order Format can be found on the Left panel. Please use the format and email, otherwise your orders will not be processed. Strictly no ordering though tagboard.

7% GST may be incurred if we hit SGD400. I will avoid this. (Will get seller to declare lower)

Seller will quote for the discount after receiving the orders.

Shipping fee & method:
Items will be air-mailed to Singapore.
Need seller to quote for shipping charges.
Shipping charges will be divided by the weight of items.
There might be refund/topup required after the loots arrived and the actual calculations.

Payment Calculations:
Please use this order form:

You just need to cut and copy the format of the order form and then email me.

Handling Fees:
In order to encourage bulk purchase, handling fees will be caps at S$10. This means that if your purchase more than 10 items, your handling fee will just be charged at a lump sum of S$10.

By placing your orders with lovelystarshop, you are deemed to have read, understood and agreed with all our Terms & Conditions.

22 November 2008
Orders Send to seller.

I have refund Sherry and Gynn.

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Orange Bear & E-Style Spree #003 [CLOSED] - All payment to be in by today 8pm

Just a brief introduction, Orange Bear and E-Style is under the same owner. Hence, I decided to do this spree together. But one thing to note orange bear is for bigger size people, whereas E-style is for people which is smaller size.

Closing Date: 24 November 2008 or when reached 30 item
Current Orders: 38/30
Payment Mode to Supplier: By card.

Order Name List:
Inez (1 item): S$24.40 (Paid)
Tan Lay Peng (4 items): S$65.35
Sherry/Gynn (6 items): S$86.40 (Paid)
greyhakuro (2 items): S$34.45 (Paid)
LOVEkuro (2 items): S$21.50 (Paid)
Shin (1 items): S$20.50 (Paid)
Jenabella (6 items): S$66.90 (Paid)
ROZ (2 items): S$ 35.00 (Paid)
sihwee (7 items): S$49 (Paid)
jeaniechan (2 items): S$13.85 (Paid)
Jocelyn (5 items): S$60.40 (Paid)

To join spree, please click Picture..
Order Format can be found on the Left panel. Please use the format and email, otherwise your orders will not be processed. Strictly no ordering though tagboard.

7% GST may be incurred if we hit SGD400. I will avoid this. (Will get seller to declare lower)

With every purchase of NT1000, there will be a discount of NT60.
With every purchase of NT1500, there will be a discount of NT90.
With every increment of NT500, there will be a discount of NT30.
I will use the discount to cover the shipping cost.

Shipping fee & method:
Need seller to quote for shipping charges.
Shipping charges will be divided by the weight of items.
There might be refund/topup required after the loots arrived and the actual calculations

Payment Calculations:
Please use this order form:

You just need to cut and copy the format of the order form and then email me.

Handling Fees:
In order to encourage bulk purchase, handling fees will be caps at S$10. This means that if your purchase more than 10 items, your handling fee will just be charged at a lump sum of S$10.

By placing your orders with lovelystarshop, you are deemed to have read, understood and agreed with all our Terms & Conditions.

Spree completed. I have refunded all of them. :)

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Friday, November 21, 2008

《香榭時尚精品》Shoes Spree #001 [Completed]

Closing Date: 24 December 2008 or when reached 10 item
Current Orders: 9/10
Payment Mode to Supplier: By Paypal.

Order Name List:
Denise (1 items): S$18.50 (Paid)
Melkoh83 (2 items): S$12.40 (Paid)
XiaoBuDian (2 items): S$40.00 (Paid)
enzover (2 items): S$45.45 (Paid)
Enfermeira (2 items): S$35.90 (Paid)

To join spree, please click Picture..
Order Format can be found on the Left panel. Please use the format and email, otherwise your orders will not be processed. Strictly no ordering though tagboard.

7% GST may be incurred if we hit SGD400. I will avoid this. (Will get seller to declare lower)

Depends on the amount of our order.
To be confirmed by seller.

Shipping fee & method:
Items will be air-mailed to Singapore.
Need seller to quote for shipping charges.
Shipping charges will be divided by units.
Shoes/Sandals/Heels/Flats – counted as 1 unit
Boots/Wedges/Platforms – counted as 2 units
There might be refund/topup required after the loots arrived and the actual calculations.

Payment Calculations:
Please use this order form:

You just need to cut and copy the format of the order form and then email me.

Handling Fees:
In order to encourage bulk purchase, handling fees will be caps at S$10. This means that if your purchase more than 10 items, your handling fee will just be charged at a lump sum of S$10.

By placing your orders with lovelystarshop, you are deemed to have read, understood and agreed with all our Terms & Conditions.

Spree Completed. Refund transfered.

★HITO本舖★ Man's Spree #001 [Cancelled]

Closing Date: 24 November 2008 or when reached 20 item
Current Orders: 0/20
Payment Mode to Supplier: By Concealed Cash.

Order Name List:

To join spree, please click Picture..
Order Format can be found on the Left panel. Please use the format and email, otherwise your orders will not be processed. Strictly no ordering though tagboard.

7% GST may be incurred if we hit SGD400. I will avoid this. (Will get seller to declare lower)

Depends on the amount of our order. To be confirmed by seller.

Shipping fee & method:
Items will be air-mailed to Singapore.
Need seller to quote for shipping charges.
Shipping charges will be divided by the weight of items There might be refund/topup required after the loots arrived and the actual calculations.

Payment Calculations:
Please use this order form:

You just need to cut and copy the format of the order form and then email me.

Handling Fees:
In order to encourage bulk purchase, handling fees will be caps at S$10. This means that if your purchase more than 10 items, your handling fee will just be charged at a lump sum of S$10.

By placing your orders with lovelystarshop, you are deemed to have read, understood and agreed with all our Terms & Conditions.

Labels: ,

Friday, November 14, 2008 大盤衣商 #001 [Completed]


Closing Date: 27 September 2008 or when reached 25-30 items
Current Orders: 40/25 - 30

Payment Mode to Supplier: Concealed Cash

Order Name List:
Sherry (2 items): S$30.50 (Paid)
deadevelyn (5 items): S$22.80 (Paid)
Rokugatsu (4 items): S$22.30 (Paid)
educk72 (3 items): S$18.35 (Paid)
riiceball (2 items): S$13.40 (Paid)
joyceong06 (2 items): S$9.40 (Paid)
XiaoBuDian (8 items): S$50.00 (Paid)
phanie (4 items): S$20.40 (Paid)
rainbowmushr (4 items): S$26.75 (Paid)
LOVEkuro (4 items): S$24.25 (Paid)
huikim89 (2 items): S$15.90 (Paid)

To join spree, please click Picture..

Order Format can be found on the Left panel. Please use the format and email, otherwise your orders will not be processed. Strictly no ordering though tagboard.

7% GST may be incurred if we hit SGD400. I will avoid this. (Will get seller to declare lower)

No discount for A item
R item discount rates as below:
4 item and below - NT10/R item
10 item and above - 10% discount for R items only
20 - item and above - 15% discount for R items only

Shipping fee & method:
Items will be air-mailed to Singapore.
Need seller to quote for shipping charges.
Shipping charges will be divided by the weight of items There might be refund/topup required after the loots arrived and the actual calculations.

Payment Calculations:
Please use this order form:

Handling Fees:
In order to encourage bulk purchase, handling fees will be caps at S$10. This means that if your purchase more than 10 items, your handling fee will just be charged at a lump sum of S$10.

By placing your orders with lovelystarshop, you are deemed to have read, understood and agreed with all our Terms & Conditions.

30 September 2008

Consolidating orders in process

05 October 2008
Orders sent.

09 October 2008
Money sent.

20 October 2008
Waiting for them for reply regarding the receipt of money. I have email them today for more info.

22 October 2008
Seller received payment and will proceed in shipping the item today (22/10) or tomorrow (23/10).


30 October 2008
Seller repiled with 9 OOS items:



═☆D.P-shop☆═大盤衣商【AA01104】LOVE ME 太陽花圓領短T(瘋狂超低價69元)


30 October 2008
Spree loots arrived, checked and all in correct order. I will post up the calculations for the items tomorrow.

1 November 2008
Please refer to the calculation sheet for info:

02 November 2008
1. deadevelyn - 2/11/08
2. educk72 - Request Postage
3. joyceong06 - 1/11/08
4. Mushroom - 3/11/08
5. phanie - 13/11/2008
6. LOVEkuro - 1/11/08
7. huikim89 - 5/11/08

1. riiceball [Sent]
2. educk72 [Sent]

riiceball - 31/10/08
joyceong06 - Paid upon collection on 1/11/08
phanie - 2/11/2008
huikim89 - Done

Spree completed. Thanks for the support.

*PUFFY*帕妃時尚精品館 #001 [Cancelled]

Pluffy Logo

Closing Date: 27 September 2008 or when reached 25-30 items
Current Orders: 0/25 - 30

Payment Mode to Supplier: Concealed Cash

Order Name List:

To join spree, please click Picture..

Order Format can be found on the Left panel. Please use the format and email, otherwise your orders will not be processed. Strictly no ordering though tagboard.

7% GST may be incurred if we hit SGD400. I will avoid this. (Will get seller to declare lower)

No discount for A item
R item discount rates as below:
4 item and below - NT10/R item
10 item and above - 10% discount for R items only
20 - item and above - 15% discount for R items only

Shipping fee & method:
Items will be air-mailed to Singapore.
Need seller to quote for shipping charges.
Shipping charges will be divided by the weight of items There might be refund/topup required after the loots arrived and the actual calculations.

Payment Calculations:
Please use this order form:

For Self - Collections:
Total Payable = (total price in NTD x 0.05) + Handling Fees (no. of items x SGD1)+ Taiwan Shipping (no. of items x SGD2)

Handling Fees:
In order to encourage bulk purchase, handling fees will be caps at S$10. This means that if your purchase more than 10 items, your handling fee will just be charged at a lump sum of S$10.

By placing your orders with lovelystarshop, you are deemed to have read, understood and agreed with all our Terms & Conditions.

Labels: ,

Sunday, November 9, 2008


Sorry, guys... Just in case anyone will go and find me. I will be unavaliable from now to next Wednesday, 12th November 2008. I will try to reply all massages when I am back.

Thank You...