Closing Date: 31 July 2008 or when reached 25-30 items
Current Orders: 24/25
Payment Mode to Supplier: Concealed Cash
Order Name List:
Sherry (15 items) - S$166.05 - S$39.10 (refunded from Betwo Spree)= S$127.05 (Paid)Elanie Chew (5 items) - S$60.40 (Paid)Emily (4 item) - S$46.45 (Paid)To join spree, please click Picture..
Order Format can be found on the Left panel. Please use the format and email, otherwise your orders will not be processed. Strictly no ordering though tagboard.
GST may be incurred if we hit
SGD400. I will avoid this. (Will get seller to declare lower)
No discount for A item
R item discount rates as below:
4 item and below - NT10/R item
10 item and above - 10% discount for R items only
20 - item and above - 15% discount for R items only
Shipping fee & method:
Items will be air-mailed to Singapore.
Need seller to quote for shipping charges.
Shipping charges will be divided by the weight of items There might be refund/topup required after the loots arrived and the actual calculations.
Payment Calculations:
For Collection through normal/registered mails:
Total Payable = (total price in NTD x 0.05) + Handling Fees (no. of items x SGD1) + Taiwan Shipping (no. of items x SGD2) + postage
For Self - Collections:
Total Payable = (total price in NTD x 0.05) + Handling Fees (no. of items x SGD1)+ Taiwan Shipping (no. of items x SGD2)
Handling Fees:
In order to encourage bulk purchase, handling fees will be caps at S$5. This means that if your purchase more than 5 items, your handling fee will just be charged at a lump sum of S$5.
By placing your orders with lovelystarshop, you are deemed to have read, understood and agreed with all our Terms & Conditions.
th July 2008:
Order send to seller via email.
Discount updated.
th July 2008:
Finally after repeated email. The seller finally received my order email.
商品名稱: :::白媽媽衣舖:::【A77447700】私藏好貨。緞面大花髮圈~綜合下標區
URL:顏色: 優雅黑
單價NT: 39
數量: 2
總額: 78
商品名稱: :::白媽媽衣舖:::【R72563902】雙下擺海星圓弧雪紡長版背心(現貨)~美感黑
URL:顏色: 美感黑
單價NT: 320
數量: 1
總額: 320
商品名稱: :::白媽媽衣舖:::【R75548222】唯美主打‧多鑽CAT背心洋裝(現貨)~ 優雅杏
URL:顏色: 優雅杏(22)
單價NT: 340
數量: 1
總額: 340
Emily - 2
OOSReplace with:
商品名稱: :::白媽媽衣舖:::【A77447700】私藏好貨。緞面大花髮圈~綜合下標區
URL:顏色: 1美感藍(05) 1俏麗綠(06)
單價NT: 39
數量: 2
總額: 78
Sherry - 2
OOSReplace with:
商品名稱: :::白媽媽衣舖:::【A77447700】私藏好貨。緞面大花髮圈~綜合下標區
URL:顏色: 1美感藍(05) - 2
nd Choice 1俏麗綠(06) - 3rd Choice
單價NT: 39
數量: 1
總額: 39
th July 2008
Seller accepted my add on orders due to
However, one more item
OOS. It belongs to me and Sherry. Since I order later so I will give up my item to Sherry.
商品名稱: :::白媽媽衣舖:::【R72570906】可人鄰家╭雪紡點點公主袖兩件式棉T~藍綠
URL:顏色: 藍綠(06)
單價NT: 270
數量: 1
總額: 270
Seller inform me that most item will arrive next week.
*Please note that for this spree, seller will only quote us the payment after all the goods arrived.*25
th July 2008
I check their online tracking system. All items have arrived however they state that they send out the mail. I have yet to transfer the money and let them know my address. I have emailed them the enquiry. I will monitored them closely.
30th July 2008
Sorry. Due to too many spree close at the same time. I am unable to consolidate all orders in time hence the money is sent only today afternoon.
6 August 2007
Money received by seller. I have email them for a confirmation email regarding the receipt of cash.
8th August 2008Items shipped out yesterday.
Tracking number: CC076123486TW
TW Track here => August 2008
Item reached Singapore.
21 August 2008
1 items was sent wrongly. 5 items was not sent as reflected when checking in the receipt sent. To be checked with the total amount of money I sent to them.
23 August 2008
Seller repied every that they are willing to offset the money for the next purchase. Hence, I will refund Sherry for the item that that is send wrongly. :)
24 August 2008
Total Items: 18
Total Amount exclusive of shipping: NT3392
Discount: NT50
Total Amount after discount: NT 3342
Shipping Cost: NT440
Grand Total: NT3342 + NT440 = NT 3782
I will do the refunds tomorrow.
23 September 2008
From Account POSB Savings
To Account POSB Savings
Amount S$9.03
Transaction Reference 1897943442
Labels: Closed Spree, Clothing, Spree, Spree Updates