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《香榭時尚精品》Shoes Spree #002 [OPEN] *NEW*
梅梅露--DREAMS~* Spree #002 [OPEN] *NEW*


Saturday, August 2, 2008


Dear babes

Recently my orders has increased quite significantly, in order to fastening the serving time. I propose that all babes starting from today, I will not help any spree-er to fill in the form. No ordering through MSN. I accept question on how to fill in. I can also help first timer fill in the form. But for those frequent spree-er please help me. I managed this blogshop myself hence I am able to make to handling fee so affordable for all.

Please let me earn the handling fee. I will not entertain any email/MSN regarding discount in handling as S$1/item is really very little. I do appreciate that spree-er can separate their order with their friends' one. I know my capping handling fee is S$5 for most spree. However some spree-er make use of this S$5 to share and share with friends. Please be considerate to me as I sometimes need to handle orders like 10 - 20 over items with just a handling fee of S$5. Hence for all new spree in August, (PG Mall excluding) I will not caps any handling fees. I trust that I am one of the cheapest handling spree organiser around.

Another thing is there is really high cancelation rate. Please note that after orders and payment have been made, I will be charging the handling fee even if you request for refunds. Full refunds will only be made if items is OOS.