+ Welcome+
Star Shop is an online shop based in Singapore.
My motto is to bring in stuff and organsing spree/ pre-order that is lovely and enhanced the star in you.
Hence, you can find a wide range of sprees, preorders & in stock ranging from accessories,
bags, clothes to beauty products. With so many choices to choose from,
there must be one that you will be interested in. So what are u waiting for?
Hurry up and check out our on-going sprees / preorders now. I really hope that
you will enjoy shopping with in my shop.
+ About Us+
Shop Manager: Emily
Shop Assistant: Unleashed*
*Unleashed will be joining this shop with effect from April 2009. :)
Email me at lovelystarshop@gmail.com+Twitter+
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(Read before Spree)
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Order Form (In Stock/Preorder)+ TAGBOARD +
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Choose the Right Bag for Your Body Handbag Glossary Terms+ Listed in +
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[ Skins @ Blogskins]+ Archives +
April 2008+ Previous Posts +
Spree updates+ Open Spree+
Taobao Spree #004 [OPEN] *NEW*+ Open Preorder+
*╮黑茶.睡美瘦╭* Black Tea Sliming Patches Spree 1 **OPEN**+ Closed Spree +
Bigi Bag Spree #002 [CLOSED] *Consolidating*+ Cancelled Spree+
Tokyo Fashion Spree #003 [OPEN] *NEW*+ Completed Spree +
╭☆漾貝比中大尺碼 S h O p~*Spree #001[Completed]