Notes from Spree Organiser: I have some not so good remarks from this shop. I personally still think that their bags are still quite nice. It might not be that lasting but just like other S$10 bag from outside, I think the quality of this bag is related to the price too.
Orders Send. (Sorry for the late order, I was sick last few days.)
Orders Confirmed and Payment Send. We will be waiting for 7 preorder items. We only managed to hit the 10% discount as most of our bags are discounted bags already.
Intro: This is something like a Yahoo website whereby you can get anything you want except those item that is prohibited by Singapore Authortity.
Closing Date: 1 August 2009
Current Orders: S$460.10
Payment Mode to Supplier:
Agent (15%)Order Name List:
Emily (11 items): S$150.82 (Paid)
Jordan (30 items): S$50.39
Teng (10 items): S$184.10 + S$52.90 + S$21.89 = S$258.89 (Paid)
Stephanie: S$
To join spree, please click Picture..
Order Format can be found on the Left panel. Please use the format and email, otherwise your orders will not be processed. Strictly no ordering though tagboard.
Prohibited Items
As prohibited items will not be able to pass China (especially during the Olympics period - Ban not lifeted yet) or Singapore Customs, please refrain from ordering the following:
- Designers-inspired items
- Foodstuffs
- Powder, liquid, gel and paste items (almost all cosmetics)
- Liquid-based Face Mask
Taxes:7% GST may be incurred if we hit SGD400. I will avoid this.
Shipping fee & method:Items will be air-mailed to Singapore.
Need seller to quote for shipping charges.
Shipping charges will be divided by the units of items There might be refund/topup required after the loots arrived and the actual calculations.
Payment Calculations:
Please use this order form: Fees:
Due to the high volume of Taobao Spree item, handling fees shall be as below:
01 - 10 items: S$1/item
11 items onwards: S$0.50/item
By placing your orders with lovelystarshop, you are deemed to have read, understood and agreed with all our Terms & Conditions.
Updates1st August 2009
Total Amount Collected: S$460.10
Ordered Placed.
4th August 2009
Money Paid. Waiting for seller to acknowledge it. :)
5th August 2009
Payment received. Agent proceed with the ordering
8th August 2009
3 items confirmed OOS. 7 items reached my agent. The rest still pending to be deliveried to my agent.
17th August 2009
6 items arrived. 1 more item OOS. 1 items send wrong colour to agent. Agent is processing with the exchange.Labels: Agent, China Spree, Taobao
Taobao Spree #004 [OPEN] *NEW*
Intro: This is something like a Yahoo/ebay website whereby you can get anything you want except those item that is prohibited by Singapore Authortity.
Closing Date: 1 September 2009
Current Orders:
Payment Mode to Supplier:
Agent (15%)Order Name List:
To join spree, please click Picture..
Order Format can be found on the Left panel. Please use the format and email, otherwise your orders will not be processed. Strictly no ordering though tagboard.
Prohibited Items
As prohibited items will not be able to pass China (especially during the Olympics period - Ban not lifeted yet) or Singapore Customs, please refrain from ordering the following:
- Designers-inspired items
- Foodstuffs
- Powder, liquid, gel and paste items (almost all cosmetics)
- Liquid-based Face Mask
Taxes:7% GST may be incurred if we hit SGD400. I will avoid this.
Shipping fee & method:Items will be air-mailed to Singapore.
Need seller to quote for shipping charges.
Shipping charges will be divided by the units of items There might be refund/topup required after the loots arrived and the actual calculations.
Payment Calculations:
Please use this order form: Fees:
Due to the high volume of Taobao Spree item, handling fees shall be as below:
01 - 10 items: S$1/item
11 items onwards: S$0.50/item
By placing your orders with lovelystarshop, you are deemed to have read, understood and agreed with all our Terms & Conditions.
PINKYA Spree #002 [OPEN] *NEW*
Closing Date: 1st September 2009 or when reached 20 item
Current Orders: 0/20
Payment Mode to Supplier:
By card.Order Name List:
To join spree, please click Picture..
Order Format can be found on the Left panel. Please use the format and email, otherwise your orders will not be processed. Strictly no ordering though tagboard.
Taxes:7% GST may be incurred if we hit SGD400. I will avoid this. (Will get seller to declare lower)
Discount:Discount can't be claim within same purchase, hence I can't give any discount.
Shipping fee & method:Need seller to quote for shipping charges.
Shipping charges will be divided by the weight of items.
There might be refund/topup required after the loots arrived and the actual calculations
Payment Calculations:
Please use this order form: just need to cut and copy the format of the order form and then email me.
Handling Fees:S$1/item
By placing your orders with lovelystarshop, you are deemed to have read, understood and agreed with all our Terms & Conditions.
D.P-shop Spree #002 [OPEN] *NEW*
Closing Date: 1st September 2009 or when reached 20 item
Current Orders: 0/20
Payment Mode to Supplier:
By card.Order Name List:
To join spree, please click Picture..
Order Format can be found on the Left panel. Please use the format and email, otherwise your orders will not be processed. Strictly no ordering though tagboard.
Taxes:7% GST may be incurred if we hit SGD400. I will avoid this. (Will get seller to declare lower)
Discount:Discount can't be claim within same purchase, hence I can't give any discount.
Shipping fee & method:Need seller to quote for shipping charges.
Shipping charges will be divided by the weight of items.
There might be refund/topup required after the loots arrived and the actual calculations
Payment Calculations:
Please use this order form: just need to cut and copy the format of the order form and then email me.
Handling Fees:S$1/item
By placing your orders with lovelystarshop, you are deemed to have read, understood and agreed with all our Terms & Conditions.
╭☆糖衣子☆╯Tang Yi Zi Spree #001 [OPEN] *NEW*
Closing Date: 1st September 2009 or when reached 20 item
Current Orders: 0/20
Payment Mode to Supplier:
By card.Order Name List:
To join spree, please click Picture..
Order Format can be found on the Left panel. Please use the format and email, otherwise your orders will not be processed. Strictly no ordering though tagboard.
Taxes:7% GST may be incurred if we hit SGD400. I will avoid this. (Will get seller to declare lower)
Discount:Discount can't be claim within same purchase, hence I can't give any discount.
Shipping fee & method:Need seller to quote for shipping charges.
Shipping charges will be divided by the weight of items.
There might be refund/topup required after the loots arrived and the actual calculations
Payment Calculations:
Please use this order form: just need to cut and copy the format of the order form and then email me.
Handling Fees:S$1/item
By placing your orders with lovelystarshop, you are deemed to have read, understood and agreed with all our Terms & Conditions.
《香榭時尚精品》Shoes Spree #002 [OPEN] *NEW*
Closing Date: 01 September 2009 or when reached 10 item
Current Orders: 0/10
Payment Mode to Supplier:
By Paypal.Order Name List:
To join spree, please click Picture..
Order Format can be found on the Left panel. Please use the format and email, otherwise your orders will not be processed. Strictly no ordering though tagboard.
Taxes:7% GST may be incurred if we hit SGD400. I will avoid this. (Will get seller to declare lower)
Discount:Depends on the amount of our order.
To be confirmed by seller.
Shipping fee & method:Items will be air-mailed to Singapore.
Need seller to quote for shipping charges.
Shipping charges will be divided by units.
Shoes/Sandals/Heels/Flats – counted as 1 unit
Boots/Wedges/Platforms – counted as 2 units
There might be refund/topup required after the loots arrived and the actual calculations.
Payment Calculations:
Please use this order form: just need to cut and copy the format of the order form and then email me.
Handling Fees:
In order to encourage bulk purchase, handling fees will be caps at S$10. This means that if your purchase more than 10 items, your handling fee will just be charged at a lump sum of S$10.
By placing your orders with lovelystarshop, you are deemed to have read, understood and agreed with all our Terms & Conditions.
梅梅露--DREAMS~*Spree #002 [OPEN] *NEW*
Closing Date: 1 September 2009 or when reached 20 item
Current Orders: 0/20
Payment Mode to Supplier:
Paypal (5%)Order Name List:
To join spree, please click Picture..
Order Format can be found on the Left panel. Please use the format and email, otherwise your orders will not be processed. Strictly no ordering though tagboard.
Taxes:7% GST may be incurred if we hit SGD400. I will avoid this. (Will get seller to declare lower)
Discount:Will ask discount from seller later. Currently, no discount quoted by them.
I will use the discount to cover the shipping cost.
Shipping fee & method:Items will be air-mailed to Singapore.
Need seller to quote for shipping charges.
Shipping charges will be divided by the weight of items There might be refund/topup required after the loots arrived and the actual calculations.
Payment Calculations:
Please use this order form: just need to cut and copy the format of the order form and then email me.
Handling Fees:
By placing your orders with lovelystarshop, you are deemed to have read, understood and agreed with all our Terms & Conditions.